Monday, April 15, 2019

Imaginary is what I call.

                                                            An insight image

Thinking she knows the ins and out of everything in this world but basically she is dimwit who acts as a gormless when u make her understand.

she thinks she is hardworking but she isn't an assiduous girl.

she misses ones whom she loves but when surrounded by frenemies of which she has no clue then she's a lady muck.

She always wants to nibble something or the other and always in need of a dollop of chocolates every hour.

She travels alone like a behemoth boar though the difference is boar's are brown.Our behemoth boar is white.

She is taut with nervous when she wants to order a cocktail and every time it turns out to be a flop show.

She never ponders when to say what,she is very unpredictable on certain matters.
picture source is from google
She drinks like a fish and throws it all out so that the fish(she)can swim.

She scrounges on everything what her loved ones have

She has a voluptuous figure of which she is proud and should be.

She is dullard and simpleton.

She loves her family a lot but when they tell her something  she rebukes and gives curt nods.
She wants to be like  other stoner girls but from inside she just wants to be with her family and no one else.

She wants to learn the art of makeup but she should know she is  natural beauty she will always be that's how god made her.

She fights over petty matters because she wants the whole world should speak the same language.

She at times use machiavellian  methods to win over
a spat though she doesn't know she wins  because they let her win because she is pulpy and cute.
picture source is from google.
She loves nibbling "the" worst blue lays.
she can't sleep if she spent a single penny on others.

She loves and fights and gives clarion messages that might be or right or wrong
she is just like a fog that only sets when there is a plummet in temperature

She gets low over something and then sobs with brooding eyes just
like a tiny tot
She thinks she is tough but she just like a mushy fruit or vegetable

She when behind the wheels drive as if she is a megalomaniac.

She is a wuss who wants to be on everything even when she has nothing to do with any of it.

She stomps  hard when wrath hits her that leopard might also get a shake in the hills.
she becomes a pariah when she does stupidity.

She loves shopping cheap trinkets.

She wants to live in a salubrious environment might be a town or room!!!!